Monday, November 10, 2008

OOoo! Lots of new little organisms!

Alrighty then...Thursday November 6th, around 6:30 pm...that makes this observation day 23! Well...yet again my aquarium is seemingly more "dirty" as time goes. Is it lack of fresh oxygen...hmmm? I don't know; however, it does appear to have grown mycellium all over. When observing the aquarium it seems to have small thread-like, free-living structures all throughout. I also spotted what looked like some algae and even colonies of bacteria possibly! Looks like we are learning by sight, huh?! Of course I saw my cyclops which I think I may name...How about Scorp since he looks like a scorpion kind of! ;) I have noticed that I do have a few cyclops now, maybe 3 or more! They still differ in size, one big enough to see without the microscope.

Now for the new organisms!! I spotted some ameoba, which looked like a clear blob with alot of black dots inside of it...and I learned that those black dots were actually harmful to the little guy and the more infested it is, the closer it is to being eat up and dying. Sad but true. I identified the plasmodium witht the "Free Living Fresh Water Protozoa" book by D.J. Patterson. I also identified a similar organism called an arcella. It is just like an ameoba with a large, brown, circular shell on top of it. There were about three or more of them just sitting around. One was fairly motile and looked different than the one that the shell had come off of. The motile one had black dots around the edge of the shell, where the detached shell was all brown without the black spots. It makes me wonder do the spots have something to do with the attatchment of the organism underneath it?! Hmm...something to think about!

Also...the ugly hairy thing that I mentioned before as a rotifer is actually not a rotifer!!!! I have to retract my whole blog then huh?! What it actually is, is an ostracod...or known as a seed shrimp! Very strange! It is hairy and tear drop shaped, with tentacles or whiskers that come out of the smaller end of the tear drop! It zooms around looking for food and is sometimes hard to keep up with! We found what this was from the "Guide to Microlife" book!

In the bottom of my "crud" in my microaquarium there was what looked like a worm constantly moving and it seemed to be eating...wanna guess what it was?? It was a midge, or a larvae sack! This is the second one I've had in my aquarium and it fooled me twice! Shame on me!!! We identified this from the Pond 2 Larger Microlife poster in the biology annex.

Last but not least we also found a gastrotich, which is a worm like organism with two back curved prongs, and also a paramecium! The paramecium had cilia all around it just moving along and it was getting along just fine!!

Well that's all the time I have today, but tune in next time for the final'll be wonderful!! ;)

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