Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Day one for my micro aquarium:
It was constructed on October 21st using one type of pond water and two types of plants. After constructing the micro aquarium I observed it under a microscope revealing many unique and uncommon things to me. In the residue at the bottom of my micro aquarium there was what appeared to be an organism moving in that way you would move your hand to make a dog as a shadow puppet. It was moving like this rapidly and did not stop the entire time I was observing it that day. I could see this without my microscope and it was fascinating! When I asked what it was, it could only be guessed to be a larvae sack. Along with my neat-o larvae sack, I also observed many little organisms moving around. One larger than the rest that could be seen with the naked eye, a few smaller ones, and also a few that could only be seen with the microscope.

Day 8 for my micro aquarium:
I observed my micro aquarium today around 3:15 pm. The contents of the aquarium seem to have settled and no longer look "new" and like it was now a habitat that has been providing food and/or nutrients to its inhabitants. The larvae sack was no longer moving and I could only assume that the larvae became organisms. BUT, no fear...there was a new organisms that I had my eye on this time! Sure there were little rod shaped red organisms roaming around and feeding on the grime and plant, some were fatter than others, and some looked pregnant in the middle, and they went backwards a lot... ;) Sure, there were also these little clear organisms with a flagella tail that appeared to stick to a surface while its body inched around that spot trying to decide where to go... BUT... there was a very unique, even scary looking organism with MANY flagella and weird tentacle looking things that was called the CYCLOPS! It only has one eye! That is why it is called the cyclops~! Very interesting and scary looking at the same time. I would hate to encounter the cyclops if I was a microorganism! Until next time!!